Legends of the Superheroes is an umbrella title for two 60-minute live-action television specials produced by Hanna–Barbera that aired on NBC on January 18 and 25, 1979. The series was loosely based on Hanna-Barbera's Super Friends cartoon show, then airing on Saturday mornings on ABC; But served as a reunion of sorts for the 1960s' Batman TV Series, as it brings back together three of its stars reprising their respective roles. The specials were produced like standard variety shows of the time: on videotape and with a laugh track. Rod Haase played the role of “The Flash”, giving him the honorable distinction of being the first actor to appear on screen in the iconic role. Rod Haase signed this poster (glossy paper stock) on November 5th, 2016 at the inaugural Pop Con Milwaukee Convention. The professional staff of JSA have authenticated this piece and added their official hologram and matching card.
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