1910-1940’s Stamped Envelopes (20 Items)
1948 Merry Christmas Stamps (58 Items), 1948 First Day of Issue Stamp Stamped Envelopes (3 Each)
1949 First Day of Issue Stamp Stamped Envelopes Featuring Minnesota Territorial Centennial, and Washington and Lee University (2 Items)
1962 First Issue Stamp Stamped Envelopes Featuring Charles Evans Hughes, Century 21 Exposition, 150th Anniversary Louisiana Statehood, Malaria Eradication, 100th Anniversary of the Homestead Act, and More (128 Items)
1963 First Issue Stamp Stamped Envelopes Featuring Cordell Hull, Andrew Jackson, Montgomery Blair, In Memoriam Eleanor Roosevelt, Season Greetings Christmas, Food for Peace and More (122 Items)
1964 First Issue Stamp Stamped Envelopes Featuring Honoring Sam Houston, Nevada Centennial, New Jersey Tercentenary, The Mayo Brothers, John Muir, and More (26 Items)
1966 Scott’s Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue Volume 1 Book
1975 Standard World Stamp Albums Volume 1 and Volume 2
4 sheets of Foreign Stamps
Condition Good—Damage to one of the book covers, and some damage to the stamps. (19U0573)